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Donate to Free Garden Community Project
So we have Wishlist
Your generous support will help fund projects like:
-Help locals get the food they deserve
-Promote food sustainability
-Pay for materials to build gardens
-Help local communities come together
And so much more...
You can donate two ways..... One check out our Wish List Below and help get the tools and supplies we need or Two you can donate safely to our secure PayPal account.
We appreciate your love and support! Anything will help us get gardens in the ground!
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Our WishList.
-Wheelbarrow -Soil (LOTS AND LOTS)
-Shovels -old logs
-Nails (wood and metal) -ground plastic
-Pallets -seeds
-Chicken Wire -Anthing else that will help get gardens, -Chain saws compost bins, chicken coops, raised beds,
-Tin green houses, etc..
-Old Windows
-Building Wood
-Hand tools
You can also call 423-509-1035
For donation pick up and delievery!
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